Wednesday, 27 October 2010

If you thought the lasagne sandwich was a monstrosity, look away now.

For breakfast this morning, I bought a croquette sandwich from the Daily Yamazaki store. I have no excuse other than that it was ¥126, I was hungry, and the picture on the packaging looked quite nice.

It turned out to be a 'macaroni au gratin' croquette sandwich.

In other words ...

Pasta in a flour sauce, in mashed potato, deep fried in breadcrumbs, in a sandwich.

Not since the Romans has the concept of putting-something-the-same-only-a-bit-smaller-into-an-already-totally-adequate-food-item been so expertly applied.

I'm happy to confirm that the sandwich was revolting.

PS, I'm well aware that the Victorians also had dishes involving a gnat in a bluebottle in a bumblebee in a sparrow in a blackbird in a pigeon in a partridge in a pheasant in a chicken in a duck in a goose in a heron in an osprey in an eagle in a velociraptor in an old woman who swallowed a fly, but the Romans were longer ago and so fitted my turn-of-phrase more betterer, so there.

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